Thursday, May 28, 2020

Customer service interview questions

Customer service interview questions by Amber Rolfe Important customer service interview coming up? We’ve got this…Let’s face it, interview questions are never easy. But a little preparation can go a long way in ensuring that you impress. For a customer service interview, that means learning how to place precedence on your personality â€" no matter which combination of questions happen to come up.Weve already covered the best jobs in the customer service industry, but if youve been invited to interview here are five commonly asked customer service interview questions, and how to answer them:Tell me about a time you worked well in a teamTranslation: there’s no ‘I’ in customer support…The most important thing to remember here is that the interviewer doesn’t just want to know that you can work well in team, they want you to be able to prove it.To make your answer memorable, refer to a specific event that happened in a previous role. Then, focus on giving credit to your colleagues, whilst illustrati ng the individual components that make you a good team player. If you don’t have much employment experience, try using examples from school, University, or even your hobbies and interests.Just avoid the temptation to rely on clichés and buzzwords. The last thing you want is to be lost in a sea of ‘I’m a great communicator’ answers.Right answer‘Last Christmas was especially busy for the company I’m currently working for. We had a lot of sale stock to put out on the shop floor, and double the amount of customers to serve â€" so all of the colleagues really had their hands full. To make sure all the stock got put out on time, we all agreed to stay an hour after the shop closed. Not only did we get all the work done, I actually feel like the experience helped us get closer as a team‘Wrong answer‘I work best in a team when I’m in charge, and so does everyone around me. I’m basically like a team leader. But, you know, just without the actual title’Competency-based i nterview tipsTell me about a time you were faced with a difficult customer issue and describe how you solved itIn other words, do you have the ability to diffuse a tough situation, or will you just crack under pressure?Although it might seem tempting to go into the intricate details of what the customer’s issue was, this isn’t really want the interviewer wants to hear. Instead, focus on exemplifying the skills and attributes you used to address and understand the issue, keep the customer calm, and ultimately solve the problem.It’s important to make sure your answer isn’t too generic, but don’t go overboard with the embellishments. Over-exaggeration is never a good look.Right answer‘I recently had to deal with an angry customer that called the helpdesk to complain about a faulty product. First, I made sure I listened to the whole story (and understood it), and apologised and empathised with their situation. Then, I offered two possible solutions (a refund or a replacement ), and made sure the customer was happy with these options. Whilst still on the phone to the customer, I was able to put their refund through there and then. I also asked if they needed help with anything else, and gave them my name so they’d be able to get back in touch directly with any other issues.’Wrong answer’I once had a customer who was so unhappy that they threatened me with physical violence. Luckily, I’m trained in the art of Kung Fu. That’s when it got really interesting…’Interview question: Tell me about a time you’ve dealt with a difficult personDescribe a time when you provided excellent customer serviceThis one is all about showing you can go ‘above and beyond’ in the call of duty.Your ability to serve customers politely and efficiently should be a given at this stage, but the interviewer wants to know if you’re passionate enough about helping people to do more than is expected.To represent your skills accurately, prepare an answer that describe s a genuine example of your exceptional customer service.Reference a time where you really impressed a customer, and describe the exact lengths you went to to make them happy â€" it’s all about putting extra work in, taking responsibility, and making the customer feel valued.Top tip: refer to a situation where the customer didn’t need to ask for help in order to receive it.Right answerI recently met with a client to sell an event package. Prior to their visit, I explored previous activities that similar groups had found helpful in the past. This meant I could tailor the meeting accordingly, and could ensure they’d get everything they wanted out of the experience. Afterwards, I sent an information pack to send to all the attendees, with a brief recap of the visit. The company appreciated the personal touch, and went on to book six events with us.Wrong answer‘I take clients out for drinks all the time. This position does come with an expense card, right?’Five key competency questions: Revealed  How do you normally respond if you don’t know the answer to a customer’s question?Not only will this question decipher whether you can handle a difficult situation professionally, it’ll also test whether you’ll admit to a potential weakness â€" and overcome it.To make sure your answer impresses, explain that even if you’re unsure of how to answer a customer’s query, you always ensure they get the help and advice they need.Make it clear to the interviewer that you’d find the answer using a reliable source (e.g. a colleague, manager, or official company documentation), and if you’re not qualified to handle their request, you’d politely direct them to another member of the team.Remember: guessing is never an optionRight answerIf I absolutely can’t answer their question, I’ll usually respond with ‘I’m not 100% sure on that, but let me check with one of my colleagues and get back to you straight away.’Wrong answer‘I just make up the answ er. They almost never work it out…’  Behavioural interview questionsTypes of interview questions  Think of a company that has delivered excellent customer service, and explain why it was so goodEssentially, the interviewer wants to know if you can clearly identify what excellent customer service actually is, and explain how you can apply these principles to their role.Although you could drop in that you’re (obviously) a fan of the way the company you’re interviewing with does things, your main answer should refer to a positive experience you’ve had using a different product or service.Explain the extraordinary lengths a company went to for you, how they did it, and what was good about the specific interaction(s).Just make sure you think of the company before your interview. Because it isn’t a matter of ‘if’ this question comes up, it’s a matter of ‘when’.Right answer ‘I was recently shopping at *company name*, and a member of staff noticed me looking confuse d around the dog collar section. He was very helpful, and talked me through the different materials, durability, and even suggested the size that might work best after asking what breed my dog was. Not only was he polite and accommodating, he also showed a genuine interest in my individual situation and offered tailored advice.’Wrong answer‘You’re the best company I’ve ever had any interaction with. I ordered something off your site and it was delivered within the specified time. Genius.’  Interview types: What you need to know  Need more interview questions?Not sure any of these questions will come up? Don’t panic. We’ve got plenty more…Buy James Reed’s new book:  Why You? 101 Interview Questions You’ll Never Fear Again and start loving Mondays now.If youre still searching for your ideal customer service role, read our list of the best  jobs in the customer service industry  and  jobs in retail  or browse customer service courses now.  Still searching for your p erfect position? View all available customer service jobs nowFind a job What Where Search JobsSign up for more Career AdviceSign up for moreCareer Advice Please enter a valid email addressmessage hereBy clicking Submit you agree to the terms and conditions applicable to our service and acknowledge that your personal data will be used in accordance with our privacy policy and you will receive emails and communications about jobs and career related topics. Interview Techniques Job interview tips Preparing for an interviewfeatured

Monday, May 25, 2020

Build your brand to find a job

Build your brand to find a job Wouldn’t it be great if you could make yourself different to all the other students that are going for the same job as you? Make your target employer aware you’re looking for a job? Make your skills and experience even more attractive to potential employers? How can this be done? Well, the answer lies in building your personal brand. People as brands When we think of brands companies like Nike, Apple and Starbucks come to mind. These huge corporations build brands to obtain certain benefits. To make themselves different, to raise brand awareness, the attract customers and charge premium prices to name a few. Can you see some parallels between your objectives and a brand?   The next time you’re in the supermarket look at the row jammed packed with bottled water. Water is a commodity but the good branding folk at Evian get you thinking about ‘youth’ whilst at Volvic they’re all about ‘volcanicity’ and volcanic energy. It’s water. Yes there may be some subtle taste differences but for the most part water is a very standardised product that has, via branding, being differentiated (oh and priced at a premium too). Humans are not standardised. They’re all wonderfully unique. If you can brand water you can brand people. No question about that. Just look at Richard Branson, Barrack Obama and David Beckham. They all have very strong personal brands. Whats your brand? Grab a piece of paper and draw a table with two columns. The left column should be titled “Words that describe me”. The right column should be “Words that describe my (target employer) In the left column note down about five words you would use to describe yourself. Don’t rush. Take your time. This is important. Are you caring, creative, competitive, bold, daring, analytical, meticulous, adventurous, inquisitive? Branding folk call these types of words ‘brand values’. Nike, Apple and Starbucks all have brand values. They lie at the heart of all great brands and provide the foundation for all their brand building activities. Think about your target employer and conduct some research on how they describe themselves. You’ll be able to find this on company websites under their ‘values’. Write down their values in the right hand column of your table. Now here’s the crunch. Do at least three of the five words you’ve noted in the left column vaguely resemble words in the right hand column? If they do you’re in a good place because values inform beliefs and beliefs inform behaviour. If your values are aligned with your target employer there’s a good chance you’re going to behave in a way that fits with their culture. You’ll probably connect. Good times. If the words you’ve used to describe yourself and your target employer don’t vaguely resemble each other then you need to think about the accuracy of the words you’ve chosen to describe yourself OR think about how much you really want to work at that company. You need to be brutally honest with yourself at this stage. It’s very important. Seek advice from a careers consultant if you’re struggling. Or some objective friends. Finding the fit If your values don’t fit with your target employer it’s going to be an uphill battle. You may get to interview based on your great CV or insightful personal blog but during the interview the chemistry won’t be right. You’ll behave in a way that doesn’t fit with their culture because your values are different. Even if you do manage to get through the interview it’s doubtful you’ll enjoy working there. You’ll struggle to relate to people whose values fit with the business. Thinking about your values and how they converge with those of your target employer is crucial. So, you feel your values and those of your target employer fit. Great. Next you can actually start building your brand. You do this by making the words you have used to describe yourself happen (“bring your values to life”.to use the brand marketing lingo). This is achieved through design, communications and behaviour to name a few. If you’re “creative” and one of your target employer’s values is “creativity” you need to make sure your social media channels ooze with creativity. You need to communicate in a creative and engaging way. You need to demonstrate how you’ve behaved in creative ways during previous placements or jobs by solving problems in unique ways etc. It’s important you get this right. If your target employer thinks creativity is important (one of their values) your brand screaming ‘creativity’ will resonate with them when they experience your brand. They’ll identify with you because they’ll have values that are akin to creativity. This incr eases the chance of them wanting to know more and this could, just could, get you through the door. Dr. Darren Coleman has over 15 years brand marketing experience and is the Managing Consultant at Wavelength Marketing. Wavelength offers brand advice, insight, education and design to service brands in the UK, continental Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Darren has helped hundreds of students and executives  build personal brands. Darren tweets @onthewavelength, blogs and is LinkedIn

Thursday, May 21, 2020


CAN YOU DIE FROM TOO MUCH CAFFEINE Too much caffeine caused the death of a 16-year-old high school student from South Carolina who collapsed during class last month, according to the county coroner. Davis Allen Cripe died from a caffeine-induced cardiac event causing a probable arrhythmia. During an arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythm, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body, and lack of blood flow affects the brain, heart and other organs. The teen consumed three caffeine-laced drinks a cafe latte, large Diet Mountain Dew and an energy drink in a two-hour period before collapsing in his classroom at Spring Hill High School on April 26, Watts said. (Source: CNN) So where does this tragic news leave adult java lovers?  Here are some professional perspectives on just how much caffeine is too much. How much caffeine can I drink a day? Most people can safely take in about 400 milligrams of caffeine daily or about 4 cups of coffee, says  Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O., a New York City Osteopathic Physician.  He adds that, “the limit varies from person to person.” It’s difficult to assign an exact amount for everyone because people can have different sensitivities or reactions to caffeine based on age, medical history, and tolerance. However, there is enough research available to make a recommendation based on an individual’s weight. To keep it safe, health experts recommend a maximum daily dose of 400 mg. To see what this means for you, check out the caffeine in some of these common drinks: Starbucks Coffee (16 fl oz): 320 mg caffeine 5-hour energy (1.93 fl oz): 207 mg caffeine Dunkin Donuts regular (16 fl oz): 203 mg caffeine Starbucks Latte (16 fl oz): 150 mg caffeine Coffee, brewed (8 fl oz): 133 mg caffeine Red Bull Energy Shot (2 fl oz): 80 mg caffeine Red Bull (8 fl oz): 80 mg caffeine Tea (8 fl oz): 53 mg caffeine But how, exactly, can the worlds most popular drug kill? Like other stimulants, caffeine raises blood pressure, boosts heart rate and temporarily shrinks blood vessels. Dr. Calapai explains that, “In excess, the effects can be deadly by causing a heart attack, stroke or other cardio-vascular-related problem. Researchers think daily caffeine intake can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, but the results so far have been inconclusive.” It’s also important to realize that medical conditions can affect sensitivity to caffeine. “If you have anxiety, panic disorder, heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, diabetes, take medication or have any sort of medical condition, then you may tolerate less caffeine and should speak to a doctor,” says Dr. Calapai. There are “caffeine overdose symptoms” that are important to watch for. These include: Jitters, Restlessness, and Nervousness Increased heartbeat Nausea Anxiety Heart palpitations (cardiac arrhythmia) Insomnia Sweating Dizziness Vomiting Cardiac arrest Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed as the The Stem Cell Guru by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimers, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinsons. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Fox series Gothams, Donal Logue; he was a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Increase Traffic with Highly Shareable Content - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

How to Increase Traffic with Highly Shareable Content - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career The surefire way to drive traffic to your website is to publish highly shareable and engaging content. Not only does this help enhance your SEO rankings, but also the higher social curation provided its being shared means that more people will see it. In turn, this will naturally increase your traffic, leads and sales. The problem is, while shareable content might as well be a guaranteed method to increase traffic, there are no guarantees that the created content will become viral. You will never know just how engaging your content really is until it’s out in the wild. Thats not to say you cant maximize its potential. On the contrary, there are several things you can do to increase the shareability of your content. Thats the ultimate goal, at least when it comes to increasing traffic. While you cant exactly predict whether or not content will go viral, you can certainly do your best to increase its shareability and engagement factor. Here are some tips that will help you do that. Add Native Social Sharing Buttons Ensure that you have native social sharing buttons available for visitors, whether they are part of a floating menu, or simply embedded in the content feed. This small trick will increase engagement and traffic by simplifying the sharing process. Without sharing buttons, the process is time-consuming and that means most wont bother doing it. If theres a share button, things are as easy as clicking it and the content is shared automatically to their feed. Use High-Quality Media Visual content has taken center stage in the world of marketing, because it resonates with consumers. Always use high-quality images and do your best to find something that really matches the rest of your content. In some cases, visitors may share the images and media over anything else. Thats why infographics, video commercials and simple adverts are most effective. People really like sharing visual content with one another. Its also why hundreds of mobile apps like Snapchat, Instagram, Vine and YouTube have grown into powerhouses, aside from the fact that mobile use is growing exponentially. That brings us to our next point. Adapt Your Content for Mobile Users According to Bloomberg, global smartphone use will reach 2 billion by the end of 2015. In other words, there are billions upon billions of users browsing the Web via their mobile devices at any given time. To add some insight as to what theyre doing while using their mobile devices: Smartphones are most often used during travel â€" 72 percent â€" in restaurants â€" 64 percent â€" and in stores â€" 63 percent. To put it bluntly, mobile users are always on the go. They want to get in and get out quick. In that respect, long-winded and excessive content is not ideal. Mobile users want bite-sized chunks of information that they can digest quickly during their travels. The great thing about this is that content tailored for mobile users can also be delivered to desktop users it doesnt have to be exclusive. Make Your Content Useful Useful content is extremely effective in the social world, because people are more willing to share it. Those who specialize in a technical industry could benefit from this point considerably, in particular. For example, McCall Handling Co., a forklift dealer, created a forklift inspection checklist that can be referenced and used by customers or anyone in the industry. This leveraged their expertise, engaged customers and provided them with useful content that is highly shareable. To provide useful content, you can consider offering user guides, tutorials, FAQS and how-tos that deliver something valuable to the consumer. Having content that explains the importance of your product to those considering a purchase as well as useful content for previous consumers will entice them to return to your site later for more information or additional purchases. Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche Piggybacking off the idea above, you could invest in becoming a thought leader and authority in your niche. This means youre essentially the go-to expert for a topic. When someone wants to learn something, ask a question or research a subject, they often turn to thought leaders for help. Thought leaders are people, communities or sources that can provide valuable information about a subject. Becoming a thought leader of your particular niche will not only ensure that people flock to your website for information, it will also mean theyll come to you for advice and be more willing to purchase goods and services from you. Guest Blog A great way to reel in new traffic and grow your online audience is to either host a guest blog, submit your content to another site or do both. Allowing other writers and marketers to post on your site will bring in plenty of traffic from their usual channels. Adversely, posting a guest blog on another site will increase the visibility of your name and brand, which will also result in more traffic. Either way you look at it, guest blogging is a great way to boost the shareability and engagement ratings of your content. Remain Socially Active Its not enough to just post content. Sure, it could go viral on its own, but if it does you miss out on so many opportunities. The idea is to have your name and brand visible when â€" and if â€" that happens. It helps if you remain socially active, by posting viable content across multiple platforms and engaging with the big players in your industry. Try to incorporate your own content into your social game. Of course, were not just talking about sharing your content in your feed. Were talking about using your content to spark discussions or reply to ongoing ones. Be creative and inventive about it and you should do just fine. Solve Problems With Your Content Use your content to improve your marketing by addressing consumer pain points in your industry. The main idea is that youre taking action to solve an issue that causes a customer annoyance or inconvenience. In order to do this youll need to spend time researching all the elements in a problem, including demographic behavior and interest, industry or brand impact, and potential solutions. Become Invested in the Social Community In order to truly make an impact in the social community, you need to become a user yourself. Keep in mind, this means concentrating your focus on one or two social networks instead of spreading yourself thin trying to cover all of them at once. Dont just invest time sharing your own content and engaging with users on your brand page; branch out. Seek out users discussing your brand and products and reach out to them first. Interact with the competition and post comments on their wall and content feeds. Reply to consumers who ask questions or indicate interest in a particular topic. We could go on all day with this list, but hopefully you get the gist of it. Be Consistent This is the most important point in this entire list. No matter what you do, where you decide to keep your focus or which one of these points you rely on most, be consistent. Keep publishing blog posts and helpful content. Continue to schedule social posts that pose questions to the community. Once youve solved a problem or consumer pain point, find another. Quite simply, do not stop doing what youre doing. Unless youre lucky, there are very few things in this world that happen overnight. It takes lots of invested time, patience and a laser focus to become successful. Dont ever forget that.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Best Tools for Lazy but Successful HR Directors

The Best Tools for Lazy but Successful HR Directors Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comHR has become a pretty complicated area to manage with a countless number of daily tasks that need to be done. Even HR directors often need assistance with performing all roles, such as building and managing the workforce, supporting the colleagues, delivering analytics, and so on.Do not worry, though, in this article we will review some great tools for HR directors that can give them an upper hand in daily operations in the office.For your convenience, each of the tools is assigned to specific HR areas, so you will quickly find the right one for you. Let’s get you acquainted with the world of HR automation!1. Operational aspects â€" ZenefitsevalZenefits is one of the hottest tools for HR professionals that covers a wide range of operational aspects and makes work easier by automating them.For example, this comprehensive tool can handle taxes, disability, insurance, calculate payroll, and keep employee records. As the result, all HR-related information is stored and managed in one place.On each of these aspects, the tool generates detailed reports for you to analyze the performance of HR in the organization. However, note that it was developed to fit the U.S. legislation, so it works with U.S.-based users for now.2. Operational Aspects â€" Staff SquaredSimilar to Zenefits, this tool is created specifically for satisfying HR needs of small businesses without the legislation limits. Essentially, it is another cloud-based HR solution that provides a wide range of functions, such as tax management, insurance, staff performance, employee records, absence management, expense management, document storage, and others. It also has some great features like mobile apps, which makes HR management job much easier.Maternity calculator, template letters, probation letters, staff handbooks, quizzes, and other great HR resources are also available to the users.3. Communication â€" HipChatHR directors are responsible for nurturing the right environme nt in the organization, which is done through regular meetings with the staff and constant communication with them.HipChat makes it easier to engage everyone in conversation and collaboration because it is real-time, screen-sharing, video chat app that can act as a default communication platform for the organization.evalMany companies use it to encourage collaborations in remote teams; for example, for essay writing services, HipChat is great for engaging remote workers and sharing files with them.4. Recruitment â€" Upwork and WorkableUpwork is the world’s leading platform for findings candidates from different countries that offers a reasonable protection for employers and ensures the quality of work completed by the contractors.HR directors can use it to perform project outsourcing and remote management of the employees without having to control the completion because Upwork does that as well. However, constant communication with the employee is also available.Workable also can help with candidate sourcing, applicant tracking, and recruitment aspects, as it is an all-in-one recruiting software. It is a perfect solution for streamlining the process and creating a hub with all information relevant to organizational recruitment.5. People management â€" TurbineevalAnother comprehensive tool that can be vital to running HR operations smoothly. In modern HR environment, it is very easy to get lost in the employee records, schedules, and other information, but this is almost impossible when you use Turbine.It automates the process of people management by providing you with one online place where all employee information is contained.For example, the tool makes it easy to create and manage staff holidays, sick days, staff details, and HR-related expenses. Say goodbye to all that paperwork!6. Employee Incentives â€" AnyPerkAccording to the official site of AnyPerk, it is an all-in-one employee happiness solution. Indeed, it is a great tool for cultivating a happy w orkforce because it offers an integrated platform of rewards and perks for specific successes of the employees.For example, for achieving pre-determined milestones, the employees can receive pre-determined personalized gifts, such as gift cards for iTunes, Amazon, sessions of professional massage, Starbucks, Barnes Noble, and many other different perks.AnyPerk is easy and straightforward, plus it appeals to every employee.7. File Storage and Sharing â€" DropboxIf you need a great online solution for storing and managing HR-related documentation, Dropbox is one of the best out there. It provides a cloud-based archive of files you created or uploaded to the service, so you can easily share them with each member of your organization.It is also great for sharing tasks with remote workers, managing absence by allowing them to input working time, and perform many other HR-related tasks.Choose the One that FitsThe tools described in this article are designed for different businesses, so r ead carefully and choose the one that meets your requirements. Keep experimenting and see what works best.evalYour work as an HR director can be effectively automated using those, so you will have much more free time to attend to other tasks. Happy managing!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Are You Ready For Your Video Interview

Are You Ready For Your Video Interview Your next job interview may be a video interviewlike it or not. Video interviews are just one more way companies are trying to improve their recruitment process and I think its good news for job seekers. That is, as long as you are prepared! I had the opportunity to talk to Dan Finnigan, CEO of Jobvite, about the advancements in their social recruiting and applicant tracking software. Its pretty exciting for both job seekers and companies! And Jobvite isnt the only provider. HireView, Spark Hire, VidCruiter and other video interviewing providers have entered the market. They all work about the same. But you should ALWAYS read the instructions and follow the directions the company sends you. This is how it works. The applicant applies for a job. The recruiter/screener reviews resumes and selects those they would like to pre-screen. Instead of scheduling phone interviews with a manageable number of candidates, the recruiter can conceivably invite more candidates to submit answers to the pre-screen questions through the candidate-recorded video. This is going to free up the recruiters time considerably. Think about all the calls they make, the messages they leave, the lag in response time- juggling of their time between returning emails, talking to candidates, and reviewing more resumes. Benefits To The Employer According to the Jobvite, these are just a couple of benefits: From a single login recruiters will be able to invite, interview, screen, schedule, track and hire effortlessly from their desks. These capabilities will not only accelerate candidate screening, but also reduce remote hiring costs and facilitate panel feedback early in the hiring process leading to better candidate matches. Advantages To Job Seekers There are numerous advantages for job seekers with Jobvites new solution. Dan Finnigan says this advancement will help eliminate the black hole applicants find themselves in because companies will be able to interview more candidates. The candidate will have the opportunity to review and re-record each answer before submitting them according to Finnigan. This is the equivalent to an open-book test in my mind. There will be no excuse NOT to submit the best interview responses possible. That is unless the candidate doesnt review their answers first. More Benefits to the Job Seeker Have you ever said, if I could only get an interview, I could prove Im a great fit? Video interviewing can help make this happen. It takes seconds for employers to send out a video interview request versus hours scheduling and conducting a single in-person conversation. With this technology, recruiters can conceivably interview more people. Plus, there are no more surprises. Instead of getting caught off guard by a rogue question, you now have time to think deeply about the answer you provide. The interview may now feel more like an open-book test versus an interrogation because you can ensure youve taken your time and provided the best answer possible. Last, you no longer have to stress over traveling to the employers office. Video interviews are done from your location, which eliminates traveling to a place youre unfamiliar with and meeting people you dont know. Youll save money on gas or transportation too. Never fear, this is a preliminary screening, so chances are youll eventually be invited for an in-person interview if you make it to the next stage in the selection process. Disadvantages To Job Seekers If you dont have the technology or know how to use your webcam, youre going to be out of luck. Prepping For The Video Interview Like any other interview, you want to prepare by conducting research on the company, its competition and prepare answers to standard interview questions. You can see a detailed list of interview prep steps here. Dan Finnigan says that most 20-somethings (Gen Y) will be comfortable with video interviews given their lifetime exposure to technology and mobile devices, but just in case, here are some reminders to prep for a video interview. Test your technology and know how to adjust the volume and the camera. Make sure the lighting isnt too dark or too light. Pay attention to what the camera sees behind you. Dress the part. Make eye contact with the camera. Dont watch yourself on the screen, which is admittedly difficult. Parts of this post originally appeared on  US News World Report On Careers Want more interviewing help? Get your copy of “Do I Want This Job”

Friday, May 8, 2020

Reviews of Professional Resume Writing Services - How Do They Actually Work?

Reviews of Professional Resume Writing Services - How Do They Actually Work?If you're an experienced professional in your chosen field, the chances are high that you will be given a copy of your resume by your employer after you have submitted it. You might have wondered whether you really need reviews of professional resume writing services and if you can actually trust the information contained in those reviews.The truth is that you can, but that doesn't mean that you will find the advice you need about professional resume writing services online. There are a few things that you should be aware of before you choose your writer. Before you go with the first one you read, take some time to review several writers in the same niche as you are considering, particularly because you will find that some of them are more accomplished than others.One thing you should consider when reviewing reviews of professional resume writing services is that you need to know how they arrived at their con clusions. Some people are likely to lean towards one conclusion, while other's might have different opinions about a given resume. Other factors that can make a difference include the style of writing and the length of the writer's writing sessions. Most resumes have been penned by people who are under a certain level of commitment to the work that they do, so this tends to be an important issue.You might want to ask any of the professionals that you read about their experiences when it comes to reviewing professional resume writing services. You should also find out what they feel about certain aspects of the resume - perhaps questions you have asked yourself.Next, make sure that you understand how the reviewer approaches their review of professional resume writing services. There are two schools of thought when it comes to evaluating resumes. You may be able to spot some similarities in a writer's approach, but it's very difficult to be able to identify the differences between the two schools of thought.It is very important to focus on the style of writing that you are getting when you examine the reviews of resume writers. In fact, the more that the reviewers felt like they were writing in the particular style that you would be trying to write, the more likely it is that they were having a very good experience with the writer. If they seemed uncomfortable in using specific words or phrases that you are concerned about, you should be wary of hiring the writer in question.These reviews of professional resume writing services are useful, but if you are unsure about the recommendation from a particular reviewer, it's important to look closely at the language that they use when they are describing the qualities that they found in the resume. You can find a lot of information about resume writing online, so you will want to make sure that you get the correct direction and that you are reading all of the information that you need.